Design Inspiration: Kriss Vector

I get inspired by products that are forward thinking and designed to look like it should be in the future. The Kriss Vector Sub Machine Gun is one of those products. Its futuristic design has made appearances in a majority of modern day movies and video games. You might of seen it. Here are some of the more notable movies: John Wick, Avengers, Resident evil, Total Recall, Divergent, Deadpool, The Purge, Mazer Runner and The Predator. When you look at the Vector, for some reason it just looks like someone from the future dropped it off in this timeline.

The Kriss Vector was an effort that used a combination of Industrial Designers and engineers to make this modern-day marvel come to life. The Vector has a unique shape designed around its innovative recoil mechanism, designed by Renaud Kerbrat. The recoil mechanism in the Vector goes downwards rather than the conventional front to back. With the recoil mechanism going downward this helps create a reduction in recoil and allowing the exterior design to be more compact. The Vector has an geometric exterior shape designed by Magpul, the shape is not only great looking but ergonomical as well. The Vector has some many design elements in the switches, buttons and controls that complement the overall shape. The cool looking L shape stock is not only adjustable and lightweight but it was designed to fold to reduce its profile. The Vector looks different from other firearms because of the involvement of Industrial Designers. Majority of products in the firearm industry are mostly designed by engineers with very little to no input from Industrial Designers. The Kriss Vector really show the potential of what happens when industrial designers and engineers come together.

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